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11-20 17:30:56 | http://www.5idzw.com | 模拟电子技术 | 人气:155
标签:模拟电子技术基础,模拟电子电路,http://www.5idzw.com 高速模数转换器(ADC)的INL/DNL测量,http://www.5idzw.com


Abstract: Although integral and differential nonlinearity may not be the most important parameters for high-speed, high dynamic performance data converters, they gain significance when it comes to high-resolution imaging applications. The following application note serves as a refresher course for their definitions and details two different, yet commonly used techniques to measure INL and DNL in high-speed analog-to-digital converters (ADCs).

Manufacturers have recently introduced high-performance analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) that feature outstanding static and dynamic performance. You might ask, "How do they measure this performance, and what equipment is used?" The following discussion should shed some light on techniques for testing two of the accuracy parameters important for ADCs: integral nonlinearity (INL) and differential nonlinearity (DNL).

Although INL and DNL are not among the most important electrical characteristics that specify the high-performance data converters used in communications and fast data-acquisition applications, they gain significance in the higher-resolution imaging applications. However, unless you work with ADCs on a regular basis, you can easily forget the exact definitions and importance of these parameters. The next section therefore serves as a brief refresher course.

INL and DNL Definitions

DNL error is defined as the difference between an actual step width and the ideal value of 1LSB (see Figure 1a). For an ideal ADC, in which the differential nonlinearity coincides with DNL = 0LSB, each analog step equals 1LSB (1LSB = VFSR/2N, where VFSR is the full-scale range and N is the resolution of the ADC) and the transition values are spaced exactly 1LSB apart. A DNL error specification of less than or equal to 1LSB guarantees a monotonic transfer function with no missing codes. An ADC's monotonicity is guaranteed when its digital output increases (or remains constant) with an increasing input signal, thereby avoiding sign changes in the slope of the transfer curve. DNL is specified after the static gain error has been removed. It is defined as follows:

DNL = |[(VD+1- VD)/VLSB-IDEAL - 1] | , where 0 < D < 2N - 2.

VD is the physical value corresponding to the digital output code D, N is the ADC resolution, and VLSB-IDEAL is the ideal spacing for two adjacent digital codes. By adding noise and spurious components beyond the effects of quantization, higher values of DNL usually limit the ADC's performance in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR).

Figure 1a. To guarantee no missing codes and a monotonic transfer function, an ADC's DNL must be less than 1LSB.
Figure 1a. To guarantee no missing codes and a monotonic transfer function, an ADC's DNL must be less than 1LSB.

INL error is described as the deviation, in LSB or percent of full-scale range (FSR), of an actual transfer function from a straight line. The INL-error magnitude then depends directly on the position chosen for this straight line. At least two definitions are common: "best straight-line INL" and "end-point INL" (see Figure 1b):

  • Best straight-line INL provides information about offset (intercept) and gain (slope) error, plus the position of the transfer function (discussed below). It determines, in the form of a straight line, the closest approximation to the ADC's actual transfer function. The exact position of the line is not clearly defined, but this approach yields the best repeatability, and it serves as a true representation of linearity.
  • End-point INL passes the straight line through end points of the converter's transfer function, thereby defining a precise position for the line. Thus, the straight line for an N-bit ADC is defined by its zero (all zeros) and its full-scale (all ones) outputs.

The best straight-line approach is generally preferred, because it produces better results. The INL specification is measured after both static offset and gain errors have been nullified, and can be described as follows:

INL = | [(VD - VZERO)/VLSB-IDEAL] - D | , where 0 < D < 2N-1.

VD is the analog value represented by the digital output code D, N is the ADC's resolution, VZERO is the minimum analog input corresponding to an all-zero output code, and VLSB-IDEAL is the ideal spacing for two adjacent output codes.

Figure 1b. Best straight-line and end-point fit are two possible ways to define the linearity characteristic of an ADC.
Figure 1b. Best straight-line and end-point fit are two possible ways to define the linearity characteristic of an ADC.

Transfer Function
The transfer function for an ideal ADC is a staircase in which each tread represents a particular digital output code and each riser represents a transition between adjacent codes. The input voltages corresponding to these transitions must be located to specify many of an ADC's performance parameters. This chore can be complicated, especially for the noisy transitions found in high-speed converters and for digital codes that are near the final result and changing slowly.

Transitions are not sharply defined, as shown in Figure 1b, but are more realistically presented as a probability function. As the slowly increasing input voltage passes through a transition, the ADC converts more and more frequently to the next adjacent code. By definition, the transition corresponds to that input voltage for which the ADC converts with equal probability to each of the flanking codes.

The Right Transition A transition voltage is defined as the input voltage that has equal probabilities of generating either of the two adjacent codes. The nominal analog value, corresponding to the digital output code generated by an analog input in the range between a pair of adjacent transitions, is defined as the midpoint (50% point) of this range. If the limits of the transition interval are known, this 50% point is calculated easily. The transition point can be determined at test by measuring the limits of the transition interval, and then dividing the interval by the number of times each of the adjacent codes appears within it.

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