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  • 名称:基于VC++的红外相机串口通信软件设计 下载
  • 类型:接口技术
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:11-15
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:980
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:876 KB
  • 推荐度:3 星级

标签:接口技术资料下载, 本站提供基于VC++的红外相机串口通信软件设计免费下载,http://www.5idzw.com
为了通过串口发送命令以控制红外相机,使其完成非均匀性校正、坏点替换以及积分时间、帧频的参数设置等各项任务,对控制软件的设计方法进行了研究。在Visual C++ 6.0 平台下,通过调用PComm 函数完成对串口的初始化、打开、关闭等操作;通过构造命令处理函数库,完成对串口的数据读写和显示。设计的软件经实验装置调试、检验,可靠性强,可以满足设备实时控制的要求。
关键词:串口;红外相机;Visual C++;PComm 函数
Abstract:A design method for the control software for serial port communication between the personal computer and the infrared camera is presented, in order to make the infrared camera complete its mission of nonuniformity correction, bad pixel replacement, parameters settings of the integration time and the frame frequency and so on. The initialization, open and close of the serial port can be completed by calling the PComm function, and the read-write and display of the data from the serial port can be completed by calling the function from the command processing function library which has been created with Visual C++ 6.0.The reliability of the software designed is good, and the software can satisfy the real time control requirements of the equipment by debugging and testing.
Key words: Serial port; Infrared camera; Visual C++; PComm function,大小:876 KB