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iPod 服务问答(service faq):What kind of activities will void my warranty?

09-08 13:50:58 | http://www.5idzw.com | MP3 、MP4 | 人气:117
标签:MP3,、MP4知识,http://www.5idzw.com iPod 服务问答(service faq):What kind of activities will void my warranty?,http://www.5idzw.com

       Apple’s Limited Warranty for iPod excludes coverage for damage resulting from accident, unauthorized service and unauthorized modifications. Please review the warranty for further details.

      Apple reserves the right to refuse service on iPods that are outside their warranty if damage has occurred due to accident, abuse or misuse. In such event, Apple will return your original iPod to you without providing service, and may hold you responsible for shipping costs, plus any applicable sales tax. See Apple’s Repair Terms and Conditions for details.

,iPod 服务问答(service faq):What kind of activities will void my warranty?