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Well Grounded, Digital Is Analog

11-29 12:15:41 | http://www.5idzw.com | 布线技巧与EMC | 人气:438
标签:布线,emc是什么意思,http://www.5idzw.com Well Grounded, Digital Is Analog,http://www.5idzw.com

In Figure 6a the digital and analog circuits must be protected from each other as well as from the arcing and sparking motor. Two fences do the duty with connections again only near the ground star point.


Do ground star points fix all the grounding problems? No. Grounds are never perfect and each circuit board is different. A good ground star point is an excellent starting point for the board design. Then experience and thinking like an electron can provide the insight to help corral the electrons. Experience shows that it is best to start with a system plan and modify it to meet local circuit requirements. Quiet grounds, well-disciplined signals, and happy circuits do not just happen. They are designed.

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