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09-07 21:57:01 | http://www.5idzw.com | 笔记本维修 | 人气:672
标签:笔记本维修培训,http://www.5idzw.com 笔记本开机错误代码总结,http://www.5idzw.com

  8612: TrackPoint error.

  8613: System board or TrackPoint error. 1. Reseat the keyboard cable on the subcard.(把键盘连接主板的线,重插拔一下);2. Keyboard (检查键盘);3. External mouse (检查 外接鼠标);4. Sub card (主板上连接键盘的子卡);5. System board (主板); I9990301I


  I9990301: Hard disk error. (硬盘有故障);

  I9990302: Invalid hard disk boot record. (无效的硬盘引导纪录);

  I9990305: No bootable device. (无可用的启动引导设备); 1. Check that the operating system is installed in the hard disk drive. If not, install the operating system.(检查硬盘上有否安装操作系统);2. Reseat the boot device.(重新设置可启动的设备);3. Check the startup sequence for the correct boot device.(检查启动顺序是否跟设备正确对应 );

  4. Check that the operating system has no failure and is installed correctly.(检查电脑的操 作系统是否安装正确);

  I9990303(Bank-2 flash ROM check sum error.) 1. System board.

  Other codes not listed above. 1. Go to Undetermined

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